Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Phil. 4.6)
One of the best ways to improve your prayer life is by imitating prayers in Scripture. Consider starting with Paul. When you read the prayers in his letters to the churches, you will notice three characteristics that distinguish them—an accurate understanding of God, joy in others’ salvation, and a desire for the Lord to continue the good work He began in their lives.
Even though Paul wrote many letters from prison, his concern was not for his release—it was for the health of the churches and the spiritual maturity of believers. Whenever he received word of their growing faith, increasing love, steadfast hope, and partnership in the gospel, he responded with joy, praise to God, and continued intercession on their behalf.
Does intimate knowledge of the Lord and love for your brothers and sisters in Christ fuel your devotional life? If you are longing for greater depth in your prayers, follow Paul’s example by spending time in God’s Word, pondering who He is, what He has done, and what He desires to do in the lives of His people. Then put these thoughts into prayers for the spiritual growth of fellow believers.
Prayer for today
I thank you Father for the privilege to ask and receive in prayer. Help me to be more prayerful and faithful to you in Jesus’ Name.